Samsung has launched its Series 5 Ultrabooks in India, in 13-inches and 14-inches models, starting at Rs. 48,990 and Rs. 54,390 respectively. It holds all the mandatory features like high computing capability, light in weight, more multimedia options and powerful processor. Check the salient features of these Ultrabooks below.
Features of Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook 13 inches:
- Intel core i5 2467M CPU
- 4 GB RAM
- Screen Resolution : 1366x768 pixels
- Intel's integrated graphics chip
- Intel iSSD (16GB flash storage)
- Weight : 1.42kg
- 'FastStart' for instant start
- ExpressCache storage
- Price : Rs 48,990
Features of Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook 14 inches:
- One terabyte hard-disk and a DVD drive
- Intel core i5 2467M CPU
- 6 GB RAM
- Screen Resolution : 1366x768 pixels
- Radeon HD7550 (AMD's entry-level graphics chip)
- 'FastStart' for instant start
- ExpressCache storage
- Intel iSSD (16GB flash storage)
- Weight : 1.84kg
- Rs 54,390
Samsung has packed in these Ultrabooks with features like Express Cache and Samsung Battery Life plus. While these features are not available in all Ultrabooks, they are neither unique, especially the Express Cache storage functionality, which offers a combination of SSD and HDD storage enabling fast boot speeds and large storage capacities at affordable price tags, as it has been earlier implemented in Acer’s Ultrabooks.
Alongside its Ultrabooks, Samsung also launched, a service that gives Samsung laptop users a variety of multimedia content, from movies to songs, free for the first three months.
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